Wednesday, July 24, 2019

2018 Newsletters, August to Year-End (Edited)

August/September 2018

Big News
Mr. John Sepulveda, a first-generation Ed Parker black belt, will take the 10th degree rank in September at Mr. Bob White’s studio in Costa Mesa, CA. Mr. White is holding a fundraiser for Mr. Barney Coleman of Dublin, Ireland, who had a stroke months ago. Funds will be used to help with medical bills.
The seminars and the ceremony will be on Sept. 8.
My congratulations to Mr. Sepulveda. We came up together and he has done an exemplary job of keeping the flame burning.

“In real life, strategy is actually very straightforward. You pick a general direction and implement like hell.”
Jack Welch

September 2018

Monthly Article
The September article for Premium Subscribers on my website will be Part 2 of Welcome to the Karate School Business. The website is and a yearly subscription is $29, which includes access to all the years of past material along with new monthly issues.

Raise Fit Kids
The Sept. 2018 issue of IDEA Fitness Journal has an article about raising fit kids. Here are their 10 ways to close the “youth activity gap”, boiled down.
1) Model an active lifestyle
2) Tailor activities to age, stage and ability
3) Target their interests
4) Track their movements
5) Question the status quo (does your child’s school have a physical activity program?)
6) Encourage a healthier approach to diet
7) Control screen time
8) Focus on sleep quality
9) Troubleshoot barriers
10) Make it stick for the long haul

I believe that life is hard. That we all are going to walk through things that are hard and challenging, and yet advertising wants us to believe that it's all easy. - Jamie Lee Curtis

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