Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Master's Hall of Fame and others

John Sepulveda accepted the awards for me in Costa Mesa, CA on July 27th. He shipped them to me, just got them this week.

I've been inducted into a few Hall of Fame organizations. Two were a surprise. One came in the mail, a large certificate from the International Martial Arts Hall of Fame and another was a nice statue from a group, the International Black Belt Hall of Fame.

 I was surprised because as a school owner I would regularly get soliciations from Hall of Fame organizers to come to a dinner and get my award. All for the low cost of $250 or so, whether I showed up or wanted it mailed. No, thanks.
I was inducted into the Illinois State Martial Arts Hall of Fame in 2015. I could not make the dinner but the organizers, Pete Hoffman and Mike McNamara, took the time to show up at a seminar I was doing in Chicago and made the presentation there. Class acts, those guys.

The counter-point to this was my induction into the Kenpo Karate Hall of Fame some time ago. Apparently I was actually inducted. I'm not sure because I could not make that event either but the hosts did not send the award or the patch that goes with it. So it goes. 
I laughed when my shift Sergeant, who sees my Facebook page and saw I posted the Master's pics asked me "You get another award. Get one every week?"

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