Monday, August 5, 2019

Alamo markers #7 (Updated 2x)

This plaque is of the famous Travis Letter, written by the Commander of the Alamo at the beginning of the 13 day seige. It is front and center of the Alamo shrine.

These two are out front of the church.

This one below is on the west side of the Long Barrack.

Below is the keystone of the Honore Grenet building, which was what the Long Barrack was called while it was used as a warehouse and general store by Mr. Grenet. He bought it just after the US Army left in 1877. The property was purchased by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas around 1903. (See the stories of Adina DeZavala and Clara Driscoll.)
Honore Grenet's store
See history of Alamo Plaza
This is in front near the Long Barrack, under the Masonic plaques.

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