Friday, August 2, 2019

Alamo markers #6

There are two courtyards North of the Shrine, the Convento and Cavalry. 

This below is in the Cavalry courtyard. It indicates that Travis was killed across what is Houston street today, approximately at the intersection of Alamo and Houston. 

This is in the Convento courtyard. It was given to us by people of Japan, who had their own Alamo.

This comemorates the Immortal 32, the men of the Gonzales Ranging Company who came to reinforce Travis. Can you spot the error?
 Two women, Adina DeZavala and Clara Driscoll spared the Long Barrack from being demolished and replaced by a park and hotel. Adina does not get the credit she deserves. Adina

There was a tree planted in the Cavalry courtyard, donated by the State of Tennessee to remember their volunteesr who fought there. There were 30, the most of any state or country. The tree is no longer there.

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