Sunday, July 28, 2019

Alamo Markers #2 (updated)

This is a kind of "Where's Waldo" at The Alamo. There are three of these Texas-shaped tiles that I know of. I assume they were placed in the 1930s when the WPA worked on the complex.

The below is next to the fountain in the courtyard by the Annex building.

This is one the annex building, which was the library of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas.Built in the 1950s and used by them until the state moved them out in 2015. Today it is a museum and houses rotating exhibits. We had an exhibit on Jim Bowie, then one called Fortress Alamo. Currently, in 2019, it houses many of the artifacts we moved from the Long Barrack while it is undergoing an archaeological dig.

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